29 Jun 2015

A to Z Of Blog Post Ideas | Part 2

Hey dolls! So I'm back with part 2 of my a to z of blog post ideas which many of you seemed to love as I got some lovely responses. I enjoy all my A-Z series so if you have any other ideas which you'd like to see then please let me know.

N | Nails
My mum is constantly moaning at me for how many nail polishes I have and whenever I go to work I always seem to come back with at least two more. I mean, how many nail polishes can one own? There's no real answer for that as there's just so many pretty shades in every colour you can think of. I like seeing people's nail polish collections or a NOTD post.

This is a great one for all you fashionistas out there who love to showcase your daily outfits to the blogging world. Why not show off that Topshop blouse or those new shoes you've just brought. How do you accessorise an outfit? What outfits do you opt to wear for different occasions? 

P | Product Review
Now when I say 'product' it doesn't necessarily have to be a beauty item which most people assume will be. It could be a new piece of sports equipment you just brought or even a flashy new gadget that you're loving. Tell us the pros and the cons..should or shouldn't we splash the cash and buy the item?

Q | Q&A
This is a post which I am looking to do at some point soon myself (if you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comments). I find its a great way to get to know the blogger themselves and a great way of interacting with readers of your blog.

R | Recipes
I usually have a browse through baking recipes which I find on other blogs as these are my favourite sort of recipes to read and then have a crack at myself. The one that most of us seem to love is the double chocolate cookie recipe. They're just so delicious so how can we all resist the temptation?

S | Series
A bit like my 'A to Z' posts or '20..' list posts, these are a great idea to add something which is a bit unique, and a bit fun to your blog. As they are something on going it always makes people want to come back to see what the leading post will be. 

T | Tags
Again, something else which I am guilty of posting quite a few on my blog. They are also some of my top posts to read on other blogs. I just love seeing other bloggers responses to the questions and if I find a tag which seems interesting I may even blog my own responses. 

U | Undertake Challenges
Something a bit different but why not give a new challenge a go on your blog. Perhaps the 365 blog challenge where you have to post one blog post a day for a whole year (clearly). A bit like the '100 happy day challenge' whereas its on a longer basis and for a blog, not social media. 

V | Vacations
Been on holiday recent? Share a few snaps of the glorious location which you visited. Or if you're planning to go on a vacation why not share some packing tips on your blog. I'm thinking of posting a list of some of the top places I hope to travel to at some point in the future. Travelling has always been one of my biggest dreams which soon enough I will be able to fulfill. 

W | Whats In My...
I recently posted a 'whats in my new ted baker bag' post and I will soon be doing a 'whats in my summer makeup bag' post! I love having a good old nose about what people are currently carrying around with them on a daily basis. And if I like that bag your using or that makeup which your using it may even go onto my forever growing wishlist.

X | eXperiences
It was hard to think of one for this letter but as the 'e' is silent, why not aye! Share some of your top experiences with your blog readers and why you enjoyed it so much. Summer holidays are coming up soon so I'm sure people would love to get some ideas to add onto their bucket lists.

Y | YouTube Favourites
YouTube is my all time top guilty pleasure. In fact, I am currently catching up on some videos now whilst writing this blog post tut tut. I just find it so relaxing to do so when I'm sitting in bed at night tucked up with my iPad and YouTube. 

Z | Anything Goes
Yes I know, not quite something beginning with 'z', but I genuinely couldn't think of anything..and it would be a bit weird to do a whole blog post on zebras unless these are your favourite animal or your an animal blogger. At the end of the day, a blog is your own place on the internet where you can write what you want and it shouldn't have to be dictated by anyone else. I find it's always nice to have cliche but a few ideas here and there are always a help and you should still feel that you can write what you want on your blog whenever you want to. 

I actually can't get my head around how many times I must of said the word 'favourite' over these past 2 posts. Can we get a count here please? Ha. I hope you've enjoyed my ideas for blog posts and I'd love to hear your top blog post ideas.

Lots of Love.


  1. This was sooo useful to read, I will definitely be using some of these soon :) thanks for posting!! x


  2. Some great ideas here!

    Lauren x | http://laurenselwood.blogspot.co.uk/
