29 Jun 2015

20 Ways To Feel Happy

Now I know the 'Coca Cola Happiness Week' is over however happiness should be celebrated every day of every week of every year so I thought I would give my intake of happiness. Being happy is one of the greatest feelings in the world and it's not something that everyone will always feel however if you are ever feeling down there will always be something you can do to help you take your mind off of it and cheer yourself up.

- Go for a walk in the countryside and take in that nature
- Go somewhere public and do a bit of secretive people watching
- Explore a new place
- Turn your music up really loud and have a boogie
- Have a catch up with your best friends
- Have a spring clean and get organising
- Look through some old photos and reminisce some memories
- Write a blog post
- Visit the zoo and admire all the animals
- Sit down, relax and read a book
- Buy a new bag
- Bake some cookies or cakes..or both
- Have a movie day with some goodies
- Give yourself a manicure
- Watch some YouTube videos
- Go for a drive without any direction to it and see where you end up
- Have a break from social media
- Try something new
- Have a pamper day
- Have a short break away to a beach side location...or just visit the beach for a day

These are just some of the most simplest ideas to make your day a whole lot better and bring you some happiness. What do you do to keep yourself happy?

Happy Happiness Week!:)

Lots of Love.

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