I have to admit that I were never really a fan of gel nails, I was always an acrylic nail gal until it got to the point where my nails were becoming so weak and very damaged. Note to self: keep those aside for special occasions. I have tried almost every nail polish brand which I can think of and for some strange, unknown reason I can never get polish to last on my nails longer than two days, which means it would be a miracle if the day were to ever come in which I don't chip one of my freshly painted nails.It wasn't until I was browsing the shelves in my local drugstore when I came across the SensatioNail Starter Kit. So I researched it a little, read up on reviews and came to the conclusion that it would be perfect for my nails. I was lucky enough to be gifted with the kit a few weeks later from my parents for Christmas and as soon as the evening struck, the led lamp came out and the polish went on.
30 Jan 2015
20 Jan 2015
A Brush For Your Face?
I recently got in contact with Magnitone regarding one of their newly released items which you may or may not heard of, the Magnitone Lucid Facial Brush. I squealed with excitement when I was offered it at a much lower price than the original cost of £69.99 so when it arrived through my door a couple of days later the packaging came off and it got put straight to the test.
They come in a selection of bright, fun colours; Aqua Green, Sunshine Yellow, Dazzling Blue and Plush Pink. Of course being the girly girl that I am it was a wise decision to chose the pink colour to review. I have never tried anything quite like this before, although there are currently an array of them on the market. I found it to be very similar to the Clarisonic, however just a fraction of the price. Bargain. Although it is usually described as an exfoliation brush, it can also be used to remove all makeup, giving the face a deep cleanse. It works wonders at making sure all dirt is removed, leaving my skin feeling very clean aswell as smooth. The one down side is that I wouldn't recommend using it everyday as it can end up leaving your skin rather dry. Apart from that I am over the moon that I have now got this device as part of my skin care routine as my skin has never felt any better. I have recently been suffering from a lot of blemishes around my T-Zone area which has left a bit of scarring on my face. I discovered that using this with the right cleanser, such as the Camomile Cleansing Oil from the Body Shop, which is my favourite cleanser to use with this at the moment, has really helped to not get rid of my scarring but to fade it and to help control my blemishes.
19 Jan 2015
GlitZeeGlam | Rituals Hammam Delight Foaming Shower Gel Sensation
Hi Lovelies, my name’s Zee and I blog over at GlitZeeGlam. I am very thankful to Leigh for giving me the opportunity to write a guest post on her blog. I’ve decided to write a post on a new and interesting product which I’ve been using for a couple of weeks.
The Hammam Delight is by a company called Rituals which I have no idea why I’ve only just tried not because I’ve never heard of the brand but because I should have paid more attention to the store and its products instead of gazing through the window at all the amazing looking cosmetics. I just assumed it carried a high end price tag purely on the basis of the shop interior and aesthetics. This product is part of the Hammam Collection Gift Set which I received a while ago; I just hadn’t bothered to use it until I ran out of my trusted shower gel which resulted in a new and invigorating discovery. If you’ve never heard of the word ‘Hammam’ it is more commonly referred to as the Turkish bath, one of the oldest cleansing traditions in the world which helps to cleanse both the mind and body, in effect it stimulates an inner and outer harmony and balance of the body.
18 Jan 2015
The Liebster Award
A big thank-you to Zee from GlitZeeGlam for nominating me for the Liebster Award. If you are unaware of what this award is and have never heard of it before, it is simply an award passing through the blogging community via blogger to blogger. Before being nominated for this award, I had never heard of it..so I did a bit of research and found that it is a great way of being able to discover new blogs aswell as finding out a bit about the person whom' were nominated. I am truly grateful for being nominated today which clearly, I am accepting the award as simply can't let such opportunity just pass by.
12 Jan 2015
The 'Me Time' Tag
I prefer being in my own comfort without having to fuss about anything or anyone else as that way I can be a lot more productive with what I'm doing. If I'm not working or at college, I like to spend my time blogging or doing college work. However there are a few occasions where I like to purely dedicate these moments alone to 'me-time'. Whether that includes reading a book, watching a film or having a pure pamper session, it just gives me time to give my brain a break and have a nice relax.
This tag was created by two of my favourite youtubers/bloggers, Amelia Liana and Essie Button. They recently collaborated on YouTube together creating a video for this tag and I couldn't stop laughing. The two of them together always make my day, let alone in their usual videos. I then came across a blog post by Emily Kate Dale which inspired me to also do this tag as a blog post formation.
What do you watch or read during me time?
At the moment I am currently reading 'Will Grayson' by the amazing John Green. I have been hooked onto his books lately slowly making my way through the collection. I have just started reading this book after receiving it as a Christmas present but previously I have enjoyed reading more inspirational books such as 'Not That Kind Of Girl' by Lena Dunham which I LOVED! Note: my favourite magazines to read when I'm not in the mood for a novel are Elle and Glamour.
What do you wear during me time?
If I'm at home, I like to be comfy. I usually will just wear a tracksuit which the ones from Hollister and Victoria Secret are my favourite. However for that extra comfort, I sometimes opt to spend the day lounging in a matching set of cotton pyjamas. My Mum usually buys me these sets for Christmas and my birthday from Boux Avenue which come in cute little matching bags made from the same material. They are extra cosy and super warm, aswell as coming in all different colours and patterns.
What are you me time beauty products?
My favourite thing to do during me time beauty wise is to smoother myself in some sort of moisturiser, for both my skin and my face. I love using the Body Shop Body Butters which are super thick and nourishing. My favourite scent is in almond and if I could, I would sit smelling the tub all day. I am also in love with the Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask. It is a face mask which is meant to be used as a treatment overnight, but if my skin is in need of some TLC I will put it on during the day whilst at home and then rinse it off after an hour or so. It has a refreshing apricot scent to it which personally I find quite appealing.
Current favourite nail polish?
My all time favourite nail polish for both summer and winter is the Nails Inc. colour in Baker Street. It is a bright electric blue which is my favourite shade of blue and being pale, I find that it suits me really well. My Dad picked it up for me some time last year and ever since I haven't stopped using it on my nails. I'm surprised it hasn't run out yet, it is lasting me a life time.
Current favourite candle?
I'm not really a huge candle lover. I tend to just burn random candles which I buy from here and there such as the cheap ones just out of Primark. Although I really want to try the Jo Malone candle in Wood Sage and Sea Salt as I have heard so much about it. I'm not really a lover of the Yankee candles as I find most of them are either too sweet or too zesty.
Do you ever have outdoor me time?
When I was younger, I was a right tomboy. You would always catch me up a tree or running in the mud. Although I still love the outdoors, I tend to spend most my 'me time' doing something which involves being inside...unless it is a bright sunny day of course.
Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I have always considered doing this as whenever there has a been a good film out, I have a dying urge to go but mine and my friends daily timetables tend to clash meaning we can never find the time to go together. I am really considering adding that to my bucket list to at least do it once.
Favourite online shop?
My favourite online shops would be Cult Beauty and ASOS. I tend to find myself trawling the dozens of products each website hosts to see what new goodies I can find. Recently however, I have made a few online orders from Paperchase to settle with my all time love of stationary. I am a mahoosive stationary fanatic and everyone who knows me always takes this into consideration when it comes to present giving. My stash is slightly ridiculous.
What else do you do during me time?
I love to go shopping alone as I find it gives me more time to spend browsing the shops and carefully selecting what I would like to take home with me. It also allows me to be able to try on clothes without someone impatiently sitting outside of the changing rooms moaning at me for taking so long (maybe I shouldn't take so long trying on clothes as I usually do but I am a girl, what do they expect). I also love to go get a manicure and get my nails done from my local nail salon as they do it to perfection in there and I wouldn't want to go anywhere else for this moment in time.
Products Mentioned
- The Body Shop Body Butter, £13
- Nails Inc. Baker Street, £11
- Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask, £23
- Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt Candle, £20/£40
- 'Will Grayson' by John Green, £6
- 'Not That Kind of Girl' by Lena Dunham, £17
- Boux Avenue Pyjamas in a bag, £9.50(Sale)
Lots of Love.
This tag was created by two of my favourite youtubers/bloggers, Amelia Liana and Essie Button. They recently collaborated on YouTube together creating a video for this tag and I couldn't stop laughing. The two of them together always make my day, let alone in their usual videos. I then came across a blog post by Emily Kate Dale which inspired me to also do this tag as a blog post formation.
What do you watch or read during me time?
At the moment I am currently reading 'Will Grayson' by the amazing John Green. I have been hooked onto his books lately slowly making my way through the collection. I have just started reading this book after receiving it as a Christmas present but previously I have enjoyed reading more inspirational books such as 'Not That Kind Of Girl' by Lena Dunham which I LOVED! Note: my favourite magazines to read when I'm not in the mood for a novel are Elle and Glamour.
What do you wear during me time?
If I'm at home, I like to be comfy. I usually will just wear a tracksuit which the ones from Hollister and Victoria Secret are my favourite. However for that extra comfort, I sometimes opt to spend the day lounging in a matching set of cotton pyjamas. My Mum usually buys me these sets for Christmas and my birthday from Boux Avenue which come in cute little matching bags made from the same material. They are extra cosy and super warm, aswell as coming in all different colours and patterns.
What are you me time beauty products?
My favourite thing to do during me time beauty wise is to smoother myself in some sort of moisturiser, for both my skin and my face. I love using the Body Shop Body Butters which are super thick and nourishing. My favourite scent is in almond and if I could, I would sit smelling the tub all day. I am also in love with the Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask. It is a face mask which is meant to be used as a treatment overnight, but if my skin is in need of some TLC I will put it on during the day whilst at home and then rinse it off after an hour or so. It has a refreshing apricot scent to it which personally I find quite appealing.
Current favourite nail polish?
My all time favourite nail polish for both summer and winter is the Nails Inc. colour in Baker Street. It is a bright electric blue which is my favourite shade of blue and being pale, I find that it suits me really well. My Dad picked it up for me some time last year and ever since I haven't stopped using it on my nails. I'm surprised it hasn't run out yet, it is lasting me a life time.
Current favourite candle?
I'm not really a huge candle lover. I tend to just burn random candles which I buy from here and there such as the cheap ones just out of Primark. Although I really want to try the Jo Malone candle in Wood Sage and Sea Salt as I have heard so much about it. I'm not really a lover of the Yankee candles as I find most of them are either too sweet or too zesty.
Do you ever have outdoor me time?
When I was younger, I was a right tomboy. You would always catch me up a tree or running in the mud. Although I still love the outdoors, I tend to spend most my 'me time' doing something which involves being inside...unless it is a bright sunny day of course.
Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I have always considered doing this as whenever there has a been a good film out, I have a dying urge to go but mine and my friends daily timetables tend to clash meaning we can never find the time to go together. I am really considering adding that to my bucket list to at least do it once.
Favourite online shop?
My favourite online shops would be Cult Beauty and ASOS. I tend to find myself trawling the dozens of products each website hosts to see what new goodies I can find. Recently however, I have made a few online orders from Paperchase to settle with my all time love of stationary. I am a mahoosive stationary fanatic and everyone who knows me always takes this into consideration when it comes to present giving. My stash is slightly ridiculous.
What else do you do during me time?
I love to go shopping alone as I find it gives me more time to spend browsing the shops and carefully selecting what I would like to take home with me. It also allows me to be able to try on clothes without someone impatiently sitting outside of the changing rooms moaning at me for taking so long (maybe I shouldn't take so long trying on clothes as I usually do but I am a girl, what do they expect). I also love to go get a manicure and get my nails done from my local nail salon as they do it to perfection in there and I wouldn't want to go anywhere else for this moment in time.
Products Mentioned
- The Body Shop Body Butter, £13
- Nails Inc. Baker Street, £11
- Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask, £23
- Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt Candle, £20/£40
- 'Will Grayson' by John Green, £6
- 'Not That Kind of Girl' by Lena Dunham, £17
- Boux Avenue Pyjamas in a bag, £9.50(Sale)
Lots of Love.
10 Jan 2015
My Cheeky Sweet Spot
You'd be lying if you said you don't get excited over the array of gift sets which make an appearance over the festive season. They are one of my weaknesses within this beauty industry and I simply just can not help but splurge out on a handful of them. As Christmas has been and gone and as most sets are limited edition they will be almost impossible to get your mitts on, which means its almost pretty ridiculous writing a review on them mid January. I'm giving myself an exception for this one though as it is just too pretty to not be able to tell you about.
Benefit have always been one of those brands where I have been seduced by their packaging for every new product they release, which meant coming up to Christmas I couldn't wait to see what festive surprises they had lined up. The Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot was one of those sets where as soon as I layed eyes on it, I knew it had to be mine. So I made it my mission to trace down, luckily being able to pick myself one up from my local Boots store at a bargain of £29.50.
First of all, the packaging is ultra cute, designed to look like an old fashion sweet shop. Inside you find six of their well known box o'powders and a mini whatsupp highlighter, including a booklet containing mini tutorials on how to use the powders for different looks. The powders are buttery soft and have just the right pigmentation which being a pale girl draws me to it even more meaning its not too hard for me to over do it on the ol' blusher. My two favourites of the bunch have got to be Rockateur and Dandelion which are great shades for all year round, adding a natural glow to the cheeks. Being a gift set, it was obvious that the powders were not going to be full size but the amounts which you do receive are very generous at around 5g of each product, only 3g less than the full sized boxes.
If you can still manage to get your hands on this set, I highly recommend it as its all you could ever need cheek wise! I just can't wait till I venture out on some travels so I can take this with me.
Products Mentioned
- Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot Set, £29.50
Lots of Love.
Benefit have always been one of those brands where I have been seduced by their packaging for every new product they release, which meant coming up to Christmas I couldn't wait to see what festive surprises they had lined up. The Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot was one of those sets where as soon as I layed eyes on it, I knew it had to be mine. So I made it my mission to trace down, luckily being able to pick myself one up from my local Boots store at a bargain of £29.50.
First of all, the packaging is ultra cute, designed to look like an old fashion sweet shop. Inside you find six of their well known box o'powders and a mini whatsupp highlighter, including a booklet containing mini tutorials on how to use the powders for different looks. The powders are buttery soft and have just the right pigmentation which being a pale girl draws me to it even more meaning its not too hard for me to over do it on the ol' blusher. My two favourites of the bunch have got to be Rockateur and Dandelion which are great shades for all year round, adding a natural glow to the cheeks. Being a gift set, it was obvious that the powders were not going to be full size but the amounts which you do receive are very generous at around 5g of each product, only 3g less than the full sized boxes.
If you can still manage to get your hands on this set, I highly recommend it as its all you could ever need cheek wise! I just can't wait till I venture out on some travels so I can take this with me.
Products Mentioned
- Benefit Cheeky Sweet Spot Set, £29.50
Lots of Love.
9 Jan 2015
Best Ever Cleansing Oil
After months and months of using Bioderma and a cotton pad or two to remove the majority of my eye and base makeup as a little pre-cleanse, I decided to go on the hunt for the perfect do it all in one. As a huge fan of blogger Amelia Liana, it came as no surprise that my discovery was all down to that wonderful woman.
The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Oil is honestly one of the best cleansers I have ever put to the trial. Of course I do still love my cleansing balms more than anything, but they tend to be on more of the high end side, whereas this life changing saviour (well for myself anyways) is more on the budget side. It is an oil that you apply directly onto your dry face, even if that is with a full face of makeup on, massaging it into all areas where makeup has been applied, then rinsing with a damp flannel or muslin cloth. Luckily enough for us sensitive-eyed human beings, it will not harm in the slightest if you get it anywhere near you eyes. Hence why this has became my holy grail cleansing oil in the matter of months. Seeing as it has a very runny texture, I love that it comes with a pump making it mess free and easy to get the product out the bottle. Due to the chamomile ingredient which has been used, after cleansing my skin is left feeling ultra smooth with not a bit of residue left in sight. Its amazing if you are in one of those lazy moods and can't be faffed with doing the whole skin routine, as it is rather nourishing for the skin aswell as being quick and efficient. I strongly recommend giving this a go if you are on a budget and looking for the right cleanser for you. Even if you tend to have oiler skin, don't be scared to give it a go.
Products Mentioned:
- The Body Shop Camomile Oil, £10
Lots of Love.
The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Oil is honestly one of the best cleansers I have ever put to the trial. Of course I do still love my cleansing balms more than anything, but they tend to be on more of the high end side, whereas this life changing saviour (well for myself anyways) is more on the budget side. It is an oil that you apply directly onto your dry face, even if that is with a full face of makeup on, massaging it into all areas where makeup has been applied, then rinsing with a damp flannel or muslin cloth. Luckily enough for us sensitive-eyed human beings, it will not harm in the slightest if you get it anywhere near you eyes. Hence why this has became my holy grail cleansing oil in the matter of months. Seeing as it has a very runny texture, I love that it comes with a pump making it mess free and easy to get the product out the bottle. Due to the chamomile ingredient which has been used, after cleansing my skin is left feeling ultra smooth with not a bit of residue left in sight. Its amazing if you are in one of those lazy moods and can't be faffed with doing the whole skin routine, as it is rather nourishing for the skin aswell as being quick and efficient. I strongly recommend giving this a go if you are on a budget and looking for the right cleanser for you. Even if you tend to have oiler skin, don't be scared to give it a go.
Products Mentioned:
- The Body Shop Camomile Oil, £10
Lots of Love.
7 Jan 2015
Tuesday Tips: Beauty Tricks

Throughout my teenage years, my Mum and Gran have always said to me 'No don't do that...don't do this!', you get the drift. So after the past 5 years listening to their words of wisdom, I am now full of plenty beauty tips and tricks. I know it's Wednesday, therefore a day late, but I thought I would get this post out to you whilst my top tips are still fresh in my mind. Some are just common sense, however few have been passed down through generations, each mother telling them to their daughters (even sons maybe).
- Remove all makeup as soon as you get home from being out and about, especially after a day in the city.
- Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse...wipes are a no no. You need to be cleansing twice a day, including a double cleanse in the evening.
- Keep those fingers away from your face, that spot will never go.
- Change your bed sheets and covers regularly, especially your pillowcases.
- Moisturise your face or any part of your body whilst still damp. The moisture will soak in a lot quicker and much better.
- When cleansing and moisturising, create circular motions on your face to help the blood circulate.
- When using heat tools, always use heat protection to cause less damage.
- Oily skin needs oil aswell.
- Apply any left over moisturiser to the back of your elbows, hands or neck.
- Washing your hair on an everyday basis will only make it even more greasy.
- Use cold water to wash your hair as hot water fades the colour away.
- Don't apply concealer directly to your skin. Use a clean finger to apply and blend in.
- Make sure not to apply nail varnish too close to the cuticle.
- Pluck your eyebrows in the direction your hairs grow.
- When sharing makeup, such as lipsticks, spray an antibacterial on it to help stop germs spreading.
- Water helps your skin the most, along with getting enough sleep.
- Wash your makeup brushes regularly, at least once a week, to prevent from spreading bacteria.
- Reduce puffy eyes or redness by splashing cold water onto that area.
- When applying eye moisturiser or under eye concealer, apply with your ring finger for less pressure.
- Before you apply a lipstick, especially a matte one, exfoliate your lips and then apply a balm to make sure your lips are well moisturised.
So there you go, all my top tips and tricks all together in one post. I tend to stick to the majority of them, with a few exception but lets just keep that between you and me aye. I hope this post has taught you a few lessons and hopefully you will be able to take them on board in your day to day hygiene regimes. If you have any other top tips which haven't been mentioned, be sure to let me know.
Lots of Love.
6 Jan 2015
2015 | Its A New Day Its a New Dawn
First of all, I just want to start off by saying a massive happy new year! to all you wonderful people. As a new year has yet again dawned upon us, I thought it would be best to take this opportunity of beginning a blog, where I could create my own little world for yourself and I within the massive blogging community which we have seen a rapid expansion in throughout the past year or two. 2014 was an amazing year for all the daily bloggers who have gradually risen to success and they have played a massive part in inspiring myself to begin my own little blog.
I don't usually set myself new year resolutions, partially as I never tend to stick to them *hands up if you are exactly the same* however this year I am going to make blogging my top resolution which hopefully I will stick to. Even if I could get to just 100 views on my blog would be pretty awesome if I'm being totally honest. As long as I pace myself with a steady regime, who knows how far I may have reached by this time next year? As well as the usual stuff such as get fit and healthy, be more active, spend less, etc etc, I want to at least give myself one break a month from technology. Whether that be one day away from it all or five days, I will be giving my mind a rest from all the agro that usually comes alongside all these social networking sites. That way I will allow myself some time to focus on my current subject which I am taking (accounting) so that one day I can hopefully pursue a career within it.
My biggest resolution for the year is to be more spontaneous in life; try new things, meet new people, discover new places. Ya'know, living life to the full whilst I'm still young. It has always been my biggest wish in life to travel the world and see what else is out there in this crazy place we call 'Earth', so why the heck not. Ps. there will be a blog post coming soon of my latest travel bucket list that I have conjured up. I don't want to let my shyness get in the way of all the amazing opportunities that the world has to offer otherwise I will just be stuck in the same place doing the same thing all the time which will probably get a little bit boring.
So here's to 2015 - the year of opportunities and discovering new things. What are you resolutions for 2015? I would love to know.
Lots of Love.
I don't usually set myself new year resolutions, partially as I never tend to stick to them *hands up if you are exactly the same* however this year I am going to make blogging my top resolution which hopefully I will stick to. Even if I could get to just 100 views on my blog would be pretty awesome if I'm being totally honest. As long as I pace myself with a steady regime, who knows how far I may have reached by this time next year? As well as the usual stuff such as get fit and healthy, be more active, spend less, etc etc, I want to at least give myself one break a month from technology. Whether that be one day away from it all or five days, I will be giving my mind a rest from all the agro that usually comes alongside all these social networking sites. That way I will allow myself some time to focus on my current subject which I am taking (accounting) so that one day I can hopefully pursue a career within it.
My biggest resolution for the year is to be more spontaneous in life; try new things, meet new people, discover new places. Ya'know, living life to the full whilst I'm still young. It has always been my biggest wish in life to travel the world and see what else is out there in this crazy place we call 'Earth', so why the heck not. Ps. there will be a blog post coming soon of my latest travel bucket list that I have conjured up. I don't want to let my shyness get in the way of all the amazing opportunities that the world has to offer otherwise I will just be stuck in the same place doing the same thing all the time which will probably get a little bit boring.
So here's to 2015 - the year of opportunities and discovering new things. What are you resolutions for 2015? I would love to know.
Lots of Love.
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